My First Hate Mail!!
"He doesn't need to inform you that he shot someone. Did they wait 24 hrs to get him medical attention? Nope. The only people that needed to be told were the authorities and this guys family. And last I checked you were neither. And neither was I. Vice president Cheney did nothing wrong and he is not screwing up this country! He is the vice president Get over it! And the part you wrote on Christianity was wrong and you should be ashamed. Stop painting every one with a broad brush. I don't sexually assault little boys. No one in the church I go to has either. My dad is the pastor he has not sexually abused any one. And I am not for the Death Penalty, there is another spot where your wrong. Should someone pay for the crimes they commit? Why yes! Should we take a life for a life? No. Is there provision in the Bible for defending your country? I believe so. Keep trying though."
I have bolded everything that is wrong with what you said. I feel that this graphic representation really attests to your lack of general intelligence. First, let's start with this part:
The only people that needed to be told were the authorities and this guys family.
I have a quick question for you ssssteve. You realize that this is the Vice-President of The United States of America we are talking about here, right? He is a pretty important person, you know? And you realize that he SHOT A MAN IN THE FACE AND HEART, right? Where I come from, that is pretty big news. He is obligated to tell the press, his superior, and the American people. That is why everyone was so mad that he waited 24 hours to tell anybody about the incident. The delay made it look like he was trying to cover it up.
Vice president Cheney did nothing wrong
Let me repeat something because I don't think it sunk in: DICK CHENEY SHOT SOMEBODY IN THE FACE AND HEART! What kind of Christian are you??? How do you get off saying Dick Cheney did nothing wrong when he, himself, says that he did something wrong? Are you really that dense?
Do you wanna know what it feels like to get shot in the face? Okay. Here's what you do. Heat up a wire hanger until it is bright orange. Now hold it to your face. You feel that burning sensation? Now imagine that all over your face and chest for several hours straight.
he is not screwing up this country!
In order to give this part what it deserves I would have to devote 2 to 3 pages to it, but I don't want to do that. Instead, I will offer you a few facts:
Cheney advocated a loophole in a piece of anti-torture legislation.
When Bush-Cheney were elected to office there was a $236.4 Billion surplus. In 2004, the trade deficit was over $600 billion. How do you blow almost a trillion dollars in only 5 years?
Cheney was the root of the cause in the CIA leak of Valerie Plume's Identity
Cheny played a big role in sending this nation to war on false pretenses.
The list goes on, but I do not wish for this to be too long. Next:
And the part you wrote on Christianity was wrong and you should be ashamed.
Let me ask you another question Ssssteve: Do you know what satire is? I have a feeling you don't. From what I can tell, you are most likely a man in his mid-30s who is in a failing marriage, but is so blind to the fact that they routinely watch Desparate Housewives alone while your wife goes out to the local bar to pick-up her next southern yokel to fulfill her nymphomanian desires. So I will enlighten you. Satire is a work that blends a critical attitude with humor and wit as well as with the intention of improving human institutions or humanity. While I admit that I am no Jonathan Swift, surely you can see the point of my piece on christianity and religion in general. I wrote it in order to let everybody know that every single Christian molests small boys. Not only that, but, also I felt like it was my duty to tell people that the real Pope is not named Benedict, but is actually Michael Jackson. The world has a right to know Ssssteve.
I don't sexually assault little boys.
If you don't sexually assault little boys, then you aren't a true Christian. Then again, I can only assume that the extra S's in your name are there because of your homosexual lisp. So, perhaps this statement was a lie and you really are a true Christian.
No one in the church I go to has either.
How do you know???
My dad is the pastor he has not sexually abused any one.
So, according to the hierarchy, your dad must just be a deacon then, right? Next time you see him ask him if he has acted on any of those impure thoughts about little Timmy yet, ok??
And I am not for the Death Penalty, there is another spot where your wrong.
When did I ever say you, in particular, were for the death penalty? One of the reasons why what I wrote is humorous is because it is a completely outrageous generalization. I know that not all Christians are for the death penalty. Some of those child-raping, nation-building, jew-killing bastards know that the death penalty is like letting a criminal off the hook. All of those Christians believe that the criminals should rot in jail for life.
Just so you know, I didn't only make generalizations about the Christian religion either. I made generalizations about the other ones too. For example, "If they [Hindus] see a cow then they kill it, rape it, and eat it raw." I know that some Hindus like their cows cooked medium-well, but if I said that, then it would lose its comedic value.
Should we take a life for a life? No.
Damn straight we should take a life for a life. And we should take a shot in the face for a shot in the face too! The correct thing for Cheney to do would be to tell his friend to shoot him in the face. That would show his dedication for the philosophy he has used in the war on terror. The terrorists killed Americans and we will kill terrorists! Cheney shoots someone in the face and he gets shot in the face! In fact, if Cheney does not get shot in the face, then the terrorists win!
Is there provision in the Bible for defending your country? I believe so. Keep trying though.
Who the hell cares if there is a provision in a story written 2000 years ago for defending your country. Since when should a fictional story govern America's foreign policy?? You are an idiot.
Ssssteve, what you wrote, although unintentionally entertaining, made you look like a mildly retarded jackolope. Feel free to send me some more hate mail though because I could always use some more material for my website. That goes for anyone else as well.